Class Enemy

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Un film di Rok Bicek. Con Igor Samobor, Natasa Barbara Gracner, Tjasa Zeleznik, Masa Derganc, Robert Prebil.
Titolo originale Razredni sovraznik. Drammatico, durata 112 min. - Slovenia 2013. - Tucker Film uscita giovedì 9 ottobre 2014. MYMONETRO Class Enemy * * * 1/2 - valutazione media: 3,78 su -1 recensioni di critica, pubblico e dizionari. Acquista »

Boyd van Hoeij

Hollywood Reporter

Loosely based on actual events that occurred at his high school when the now 28-year-old filmmaker was a freshman, the tense and gripping narrative centers on the out-of-control reactions of a class after one of their peers has killed herself and the students gang up on their strict new teacher. A Venice Critics' Week premiere, the solidly acted Class Enemy has what it takes to worm its way into not only new filmmaker showcases but also general festival slates and possibly a few foreign theaters. [...]

di Boyd van Hoeij, articolo completo (4034 caratteri spazi inclusi) su Hollywood Reporter 31 agosto 2013

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Alissa Simon
Boyd van Hoeij
il set in classe
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giovedì 9 ottobre 2014
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