The Roommate

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Don't make the mistake of moving in with Minka Kelly and Leighton Meester.

di Mark Olsen The Los Angeles Times

A small-town girl comes to the fictional University of Los Angeles to pursue her dreams of being a fashion designer and encounters a roommate who is clingy to the point of psychotic. Starring Minka Kelly as that starry-eyed newcomer and Leighton Meester as her 1,000-yard-stare nemesis, The Roommate is a waste all around of young, attractive actresses, Los Angeles locations and the time of anyone unlucky enough to sit through it.
Without tension or suspense, the film is too gloomy and chaste to be a naughty exploitation picture but also too brainless to work as anything more real. [...]

di Mark Olsen, articolo completo (3038 caratteri spazi inclusi) su The Los Angeles Times 5 febbraio 2011

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Mark Olsen
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