Welcome To the Rileys

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James Gandolfini, Kristen Stewart and Melissa Leo play troubled souls in Jake Scott's straightforward film.

di Betsy Sharkey The Los Angeles Times

"Welcome to the Rileys," starring James Gandolfini, Kristen Stewart and Melissa Leo as three storm-tossed souls, is like a quiet conversation about despair and hope. Ordinary people trying to deal with the kind of aching loss that's settled deep in the bones. This flawed yet promising film from music video and commercial director Jake Scott (dad is Ridley, uncle is Tony) comes with no show, no razzle-dazzle — just Doug and Lois Riley (Gandolfini and Leo), eight years into their grief over the death of their teenage daughter in a car accident. [...]

di Betsy Sharkey, articolo completo (3356 caratteri spazi inclusi) su The Los Angeles Times 29 ottobre 2010

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