Waste Land

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Un film di Lucy Walker, Karen Harley, João Jardim. Con Vik Muniz Documentario, durata 90 min. - Brasile, Gran Bretagna 2010. Acquista »

Kevin Thomas

The Los Angeles Times

That a beautiful film could be set in the world's largest garbage dump sounds like an oxymoron, but acclaimed documentarian Lucy Walker has pulled off precisely that feat in her profoundly moving "Waste Land." She follows renowned Brooklyn-based, Brazilian-born artist Vik Muniz on a singularly ambitious project: going to Jardim Gramacho, a vast landfill established in 1970 north of Rio de Janeiro, photographing its catadores, pickers of recyclable materials, and then collaborating with them in transforming these photos into portraits created with recyclable materials. [...]

di Kevin Thomas, articolo completo (1503 caratteri spazi inclusi) su The Los Angeles Times 30 ottobre 2010

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