Operazione Spy Sitter


International Espionage? Kids Are Much Harder

di A. O. Scott The New York Times

The blooper reel that plays alongside the end credits of a Jackie Chan movie — a good-humored flurry of blown stunts and botched lines — is always amusing. In some cases, though, it's more fun than what has come before, and in "The Spy Next Door" the outtakes are not all that great but still better than anything else in the movie.
I should say that Mr. Chan, a disciplined acrobat and a natural comedian, can be one of the most exciting performers in movies. This was mostly true in his early, kinetic Hong Kong days, but even in Hollywood action-comedy contraptions like the "Rush Hour" pictures, his physical dexterity and his work ethic have provided reliable and sometimes surprising entertainment. [...]

di A. O. Scott, articolo completo (2768 caratteri spazi inclusi) su The New York Times 15 gennaio 2010

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