The Runaways


Peter Travers

Rolling Stone

"Come on, you filthy pussies, let's rock and roll."
That trash talk is aimed at Kristen Stewart, 19, and Dakota Fanning, 16, stars of Twilight: New Moon, by Michael Shannon, in fierce, flamboyant form as evil-genius manager Kim Fowley. Kim is cursing the girls as members of the Runaways, a pioneering band of five jailbait rockers from broken homes that he wants to turn into the female Beatles.
Stewart gives as good as she gets. She's playing Joan Jett, 15, the shag-haired guitarist, singer and songwriter who co-founded the Runaways in 1975 and went on – after the L. [...]

di Peter Travers, articolo completo (2595 caratteri spazi inclusi) su Rolling Stone 18 marzo 2010

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Peter Travers
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