Red Hill


Robert Abele

The Los Angeles Times

Morally simplistic yet viscerally effective, "Red Hill" is an Australian tip of the Stetson to the vengeance western, in this case a tale of payback engineered as a blood-spattered link between a country's old sins and a hopefully more enlightened future. Appealing "True Blood" star Ryan Kwanten, sporting his native Down Under tongue this time (and more clothes than he typically does on the HBO series), plays Shane, a young cop with a pregnant wife (Claire van der Boom) whose first day (and night) as a transplant to the remote, wintry town of Red Hill is a doozy: helping his crusty law enforcement boss Old Bill (sneeringly effective Steve Bisley) stave off a revenge-fueled ambush from facially scarred, dead-eyed escaped convict Jimmy Conway (Tom Lewis), a half-Aboriginal looking to lay low the townsfolk who sent him to jail. [...]

di Robert Abele, articolo completo (1366 caratteri spazi inclusi) su The Los Angeles Times 30 ottobre 2010

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