La fontana dell'amore

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Un film di Mark Steven Johnson. Con Kristen Bell, Josh Duhamel, Will Arnett, Jon Heder, Dax Shepard.
Titolo originale When in Rome. Commedia, Ratings: Kids+13, durata 91 min. - USA 2010. - Walt Disney uscita venerdì 11 giugno 2010. MYMONETRO La fontana dell'amore * 1/2 - - - valutazione media: 1,67 su -1 recensioni di critica, pubblico e dizionari.

Toss three coins in a fountain and wish this film would go away.

di Michael Phillips The Los Angeles Times

Touchstone Pictures bills "When in Rome" as a product of "the studio that brought you 'The Proposal.' " While factually accurate, this is like saying the movie was filmed with actors, using a script, a dolly grip and lots of lights, like "Ben-Hur." Certain scenes in "When in Rome" signify nothing less than the death of screen slapstick, but I'm hoping it's one of those fake-out movie deaths where slapstick's not really dead, not forever. The deadliest scene involves headliners Kristen Bell and Josh Duhamel on a date, stumbling around a Lower Manhattan restaurant that serves its patrons in complete darkness and a complete lack of funniness. [...]

di Michael Phillips, articolo completo (2655 caratteri spazi inclusi) su The Los Angeles Times 29 gennaio 2010

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venerdì 11 giugno 2010
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