The Girlfriend Experience

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'Tis Pity She’s a Brand

di A. O. Scott The New York Times

Steven Soderbergh shot “The Girlfriend Experience” over a few weeks last fall, with a relatively low budget, a portable high-definition video camera and a mostly nonprofessional cast. The film’s means are modest, not unlike the guerrilla techniques Mr. Soderbergh used in “Che,” but nonetheless “The Girlfriend Experience” has a sleek, tailored look appropriate to its setting, which is the moneyed precincts of Manhattan at the height — and most likely the end — of the recent gilded age. Every frame swims with signs of dearly bought, casually enjoyed luxury as the camera makes its way from high-end boutiques to jewelbox hotels, exclusive restaurants and the cabin of a private plane. [...]

di A. O. Scott, articolo completo (6952 caratteri spazi inclusi) su The New York Times 22 maggio 2009

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