Paper Man


A grown man with an imaginary superhero meets a high school loner. Apathy ensues.

di Robert Abele The Los Angeles Times

The quirk-laden indie "Paper Man" brings together a novelist who won't grow up with a sullen teenage girl for mutual wallowing, eccentric high jinks and life lessons but, unfortunately, little reason to care. Richard Dunn ( Jeff Daniels) gets dropped off at a Montauk, Long Island, rental house for the winter by his high-strung surgeon wife, Claire ( Lisa Kudrow), so he can finish a second book, except he's distracted by an ugly couch, debilitating writer's block and an imaginary superhero friend ( Ryan Reynolds) he's held onto since childhood. [...]

di Robert Abele, articolo completo (2609 caratteri spazi inclusi) su The Los Angeles Times 23 aprile 2010

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