
Acquista su   Soundtrack Notorious  

Peter Travers

Rolling Stone

You can almost hear the Notorious B.I.G. sneering his trademark "get a grip, motherfuckers" at those who think the big thing about his life is the unsolved 1997 murder that ended it. Notorious is not a whodunit. The LAPD, having famously screwed up the case, still hasn't nailed the killer in the Chevy who pulled up alongside the SUV that chauffeured the 300-pound Biggie from a Los Angeles party and pumped four bullets into his chest. At 24, the Brooklyn kid who morphed from crack dealer into rap icon was dead, just 10 days before the debut of his second CD, Life After Death. [...]

di Peter Travers, articolo completo (3586 caratteri spazi inclusi) su Rolling Stone 15 gennaio 2009

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