Julie & Julia

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Full Stomachs, and Full Marriages Too

di Brooks Barnes The New York Times

NORA EPHRON is nothing if not direct. Just try to tiptoe around asking this question: Could she have written and directed a movie like “Julie & Julia,” which celebrates marriage as gloriously fulfilling, if she hadn’t managed to, um, find happiness in her personal life after, well, “Heartburn,” which she based on her infamously awful second marriage?
“Living alone in misery, would I have made this movie?” Ms. Ephron, 68, said. “Is that what you’re asking? I happen to love my marriage” — she’s been married to the writer Nicholas Pileggi for 22 years — “and you hope that you make movies that feel personal to you. [...]

di Brooks Barnes, articolo completo (9248 caratteri spazi inclusi) su The New York Times 2 agosto 2009

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