Five Minutes of Heaven


A real murder in Northern Ireland and a fictionalized aftermath are well-performed

di Gary Goldstein The Los Angeles Times

The Troubles, Northern Ireland's 30-year cycle of sectarian violence, seems to be catching up with the Holocaust for the sheer number and range of movies it has inspired. And, as with Holocaust-era films, just when you think there can't possibly be another cinematic twist on this devastating period, someone finds a new way in: Witness Oliver Hirschbiegel's "Five Minutes of Heaven," an intriguing, what-if take examining both sides of the Northern Irish conflict. Based on two real-life survivors of the Troubles, "Heaven" is divided into three distinct sections of varying success. [...]

di Gary Goldstein, articolo completo (2880 caratteri spazi inclusi) su The Los Angeles Times 28 agosto 2009

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