Bastardi senza gloria

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Peter Travers

Rolling Stone

In the bunker of Quentin Tarantino's hypnotically fired-up imagination, World War II features Brad Pitt scalping Nazis, G.I. Jews with a flair for torture porn, the Führer at the movies, a film critic as a war hero, babes as the brains of the French and German Resistance, an S.S. Jew hunter who gets all the juiciest lines, bloody revenge by bat, bomb and dismemberment, and a blazing end for the Third Reich that ain't in history books.
If you're down with that, brush up on your German, French, Italian and hillbilly and head off to the spell-check-ignoring Inglourious Basterds, which should have been called How I Won the War, by Quentin Tarantino. [...]

di Peter Travers, articolo completo (3753 caratteri spazi inclusi) su Rolling Stone 20 agosto 2009

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