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Un film di James Cameron. Con Sam Worthington, Zoe Saldana, Sigourney Weaver, Stephen Lang.
Fantascienza, Ratings: Kids+13, durata 162 min. - USA, Gran Bretagna 2009. - 20th Century Fox Italia uscita giovedì 22 settembre 2022. MYMONETRO Avatar * * * 1/2 - valutazione media: 3,88 su -1 recensioni di critica, pubblico e dizionari.

Going Native

di David Denby The New Yorker

James Cameron’s “Avatar” is the most beautiful film I’ve seen in years. Amid the hoopla over the new power of 3-D as a narrative form, and the excitement about the complicated mix of digital animation and live action that made the movie possible, no one should ignore how lovely “Avatar” looks, how luscious yet freewheeling, bounteous yet strange. As Cameron surges through the picture plane, brushing past tree branches, coursing alongside foaming-mouthed creatures, we may be overcome by an uncanny sense of emerging, becoming, transcending—a sustained mood of elation produced by vaulting into space. [...]

di David Denby, articolo completo (5165 caratteri spazi inclusi) su The New Yorker 4 gennaio 2010

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