A Perfect Getaway

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Un film di David Twohy. Con Milla Jovovich, Mercedes Leggett, Elizabeth Maxwell, Tory Kittles, Katie Chonacas.
Thriller, durata 97 min. - USA 2009. MYMONETRO A Perfect Getaway * * - - - valutazione media: 2,38 su -1 recensioni di critica, pubblico e dizionari.

It twists. It thrills. Just pay no mind to the details.

di Glenn Whipp The Los Angeles Times

The marketing push behind David Twohy's twisty thriller, "A Perfect Getaway," hasn't exactly been hiding the existence of the movie's big third-act twist. TV spots trumpet a "shocking ending that will blow you away!" and the movie itself frequently references the around-the-corner presence of red herrings or, as one character calls them, "red snappers." So, as you're watching honeymooners Cydney ( Milla Jovovich) and Cliff ( Steve Zahn) deal with the dawning knowledge that their idyllic island vacation isn't going to be so perfect after all, you can't help but shuffle through the possible outcomes, which, truth be told, are pretty limited. [...]

di Glenn Whipp, articolo completo (2496 caratteri spazi inclusi) su The Los Angeles Times 7 agosto 2009

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Glenn Whipp
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