The Reader - A voce alta

Un film di Stephen Daldry. Con Kate Winslet, Ralph Fiennes, David Kross, Lena Olin, Bruno Ganz.
Titolo originale The Reader. Drammatico, durata 124 min. - USA, Germania 2008. - 01 Distribution uscita venerdì 20 febbraio 2009. MYMONETRO The Reader - A voce alta * * * - - valutazione media: 3,23 su -1 recensioni di critica, pubblico e dizionari.

Translating Love and the Unspeakable

di Ariel Kaminer The New York Times

The Germans have a word for it: Vergangenheitsbewaltigung — more or less, “coming to terms with the past.” It's not an easy concept to translate into English; even less so, perhaps, into the American idiom.
When Bernard Schlink's novel “The Reader” was first published, it was hailed as an important addition to this distinctly German genre. Turning it into a film — by the British director Stephen Daldry and screenwriter David Hare, and backed by some heavy American movie muscle — required a series of increasingly complex translations over the course of more than a decade: from German to English, from a book to a film, from Europe to America, from a solitary meditation to something that could fill theaters, and from its original cultural context to something international — ultimately to return it home, the same, and yet changed. [...]

di Ariel Kaminer, articolo completo (9844 caratteri spazi inclusi) su The New York Times 7 dicembre 2008

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