
Acquista su   Dvd Chaser   Blu-Ray Chaser  
Un film di Hong-jin Na. Con Kim Yun-seok, Ha Jung-woo, Seo Young-hee, Yoo-Jeong Kim, In-gi Jeong.
Titolo originale Chugyeogja. Thriller, durata 125 min. - Corea del sud 2008. - VM 18 - MYMONETRO Chaser * * * 1/2 - valutazione media: 3,52 su -1 recensioni di critica, pubblico e dizionari.

Down Those Mean Streets of Seoul, on the Double

di Mike Hale The New York Times

True to its title, “The Chaser” includes several hot pursuits. Forsaking cars and motorcycles, they involve men running up and down the steep, labyrinthine streets and alleys of the Mangwon neighborhood in western Seoul. When the quarry — a frog-eyed serial killer whose preferred tools are a hammer and chisel — is finally brought to ground, his exhausted pursuers beat him more from irritation than any desire to see justice done.
The sweaty low-tech action and the emphasis on urban topography link the film, the feature debut of the director Na Hong-jin, to modern South Korean classics like Lee Myung-se’s propulsive cop drama “Nowhere to Hide,” and Bong Joon-ho’s river-monster thriller “The Host. [...]

di Mike Hale, articolo completo (3863 caratteri spazi inclusi) su The New York Times 30 dicembre 2009

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