The Poker House

Un film di Lori Petty. Con Jennifer Lawrence, Debbi Burns, Selma Blair, Tyla Abercrumbie, Sophia Bairley, Joey Bicicchi.
Drammatico, Ratings: Kids+16, - USA 2008.

Her home life is full of strife

di Kevin Thomas The Los Angeles Times

Lori Petty's harrowing "The Poker House" opens with the familiar statement, "Based upon a true story," and ends with the routine disclaimer that "the characters and the events depicted in this photoplay are fictitious" -- which is immediately preceded by a suggestion that actress-artist Petty, as a first-time feature filmmaker, may be drawing upon personal experiences. Regardless of whether the film is all fiction or all true or a mix, it has a ring of truth about it strong enough to sustain a defy-all-odds finish. [...]

di Kevin Thomas, articolo completo (1570 caratteri spazi inclusi) su The Los Angeles Times 17 luglio 2009

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