Una sola verità

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Un film di Rod Lurie. Con Vera Farmiga, Matt Dillon, Kristen Bough, Johann Benét, Kate Beckinsale, Angela Bassett.
Titolo originale Nothing But the Truth. Drammatico, - USA 2008.

A Fictional Reporter in a Real-Life Mess

di Adam Liptak The New York Times

ROD LURIE knew from the start that his new film, about a newspaper reporter who goes to jail to protect a source, might be a tough sell in an age in which the press is held in widespread and casual disdain. But it took a throttling from a fellow director, Oliver Stone, to really drive the point home.
Mr. Stone was working with Josh Brolin on a California soundstage this spring, testing the makeup Mr. Brolin would use to portray President Bush in “W.” Mr. Lurie was nearby, reshooting a scene in “Nothing but the Truth,” which stars Kate Beckinsale and will remind some viewers of the real-life travails of Judith Miller, the former reporter for The New York Times who spent 85 days in jail in 2005. [...]

di Adam Liptak, articolo completo (10610 caratteri spazi inclusi) su The New York Times 7 dicembre 2008

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Rassegna stampa
Emiliano Morreale
Critics Choice Award (2)

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