More than a game

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Un film di Kristopher Belman. Con LeBron James, Dru Joyce, Romeo Travis, Sian Cotton, Willie McGee Documentario, - USA 2008.

Destined to be known as 'the LeBron James movie,' this knockout sports documentary is a whole lot more.

di Kenneth Turan The Los Angeles Times

It's always risky to mix sports metaphors, but it's hard to resist the notion that the basketball-themed "More Than a Game" is a knockout of a sports documentary. Destined against its will to be known as "the LeBron James movie," it is all that, and a good deal more. James, of course, is one of the NBA's most impressive players, someone so gifted that he was drafted in 2003 by the Cleveland Cavaliers right out of high school. Given that this film is coming out around the same time as his autobiography, "Shooting Stars," it may sound like part of a calculated media blitz, but the film's origins are considerably more complex. [...]

di Kenneth Turan, articolo completo (4992 caratteri spazi inclusi) su The Los Angeles Times 2 ottobre 2009

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Kenneth Turan
A. O. Scott
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