Ashes of Time Redux

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Un film di Wong Kar-wai. Con Leslie Cheung, Jacky Cheung, Maggie Cheung, Carina Lau, Tony Chiu-Wai Leung.
Titolo originale Ashes of Time Redux. Azione, durata 93 min. - Hong Kong 2008.

Wong Kar-wai’s Phoenix Project, Rising at Last

di Scarlet Cheng The New York Times

TEN years ago the Hong Kong director Wong Kar-wai went to retrieve original negatives of one of his early films from a lab going bust. He was startled to find reels of that martial-arts film, “Ashes of Time,” made only four years earlier, already disintegrating. It was a rueful coincidence for an auteur whose work (“In the Mood for Love,” “Chungking Express”) often mines the terrain of the ephemeral present, the disappearing past and the longing for what might have been.
Mr. Wong began hunting down prints of the film, some tucked away in vaults of far-flung Chinatown theaters abroad. [...]

di Scarlet Cheng, articolo completo (6291 caratteri spazi inclusi) su The New York Times 5 Ottobre 2008

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