Smiley Face

Un film di Gregg Araki. Con Anna Faris, Adam Brody, John Cho, Matthew J. Evans, David Goldman (II), Michael Hitchcock.
Commedia, - USA 2007.

Sunshine Daydream, With Pointed Point of View

di Matt Zoller Seitz The New York Times

“Smiley Face,” about a pot-addled would-be actress stumbling through a long, weird day in Los Angeles, is a contradiction in terms: a “stoner” comedy with a purpose.
Directed by Gregg Araki from a screenplay by Dylan Haggerty, the movie at first seems a psychedelic lark, in the spirit of “The Big Lebowski,”“Harold and Kumar Go to White Castle” and other works distinguished by picaresque narratives and cumulus clouds of marijuana smoke.
Mr. Araki, a trailblazer of early ’90s queer cinema, can stage a non sequitur with the best of them. [...]

di Matt Zoller Seitz, articolo completo (3221 caratteri spazi inclusi) su The New York Times 26 dicembre 2007

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Matt Zoller Seitz
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