Romance & Cigarettes

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Un film di John Turturro. Con Kate Winslet, James Gandolfini, Susan Sarandon, Steve Buscemi, Kumar Pallana.
Titolo originale Romance & Cigarettes. Musical, durata 115 min. - USA 2004. uscita venerdì 5 maggio 2006. MYMONETRO Romance & Cigarettes * * 1/2 - - valutazione media: 2,75 su -1 recensioni di critica, pubblico e dizionari.

The Actors Sing; The Director Suffers, The Film Survives

di Franz Lidz The New York Times

FOR the actor turned filmmaker John Turturro the low point in the twisty tale of "Romance & Cigarettes" was not his mother's'heart attack, or the sudden exit of the United Artists executive who had championed this art-house film, or his mother's battle with pancreatic cancer, or the takeover by Sony Pictures that wiped out the movies supporters, or his mother's death, or Sony's refusal to give the feature a test screening or put it in theaters or drop the asking price so that a smaller company could buy it. [...]

di Franz Lidz, articolo completo (7533 caratteri spazi inclusi) su The New York Times 2 settembre 2007

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venerdì 5 maggio 2006
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