I segreti di Twin Peaks

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Dave Kehr

The New York Times

One of Buñuel’s Mexican films was “Adventures of Robinson Crusoe” (1954), starring Dan O’Herlihy, an Irish actor with a resonant stage voice who also appears in six episodes of “Twin Peaks,” the cult television show created by Mark Frost and David Lynch. Mr. O’Herlihy is one of the few real connections between Buñuel and Mr. Lynch, directors who are inevitably coupled as fellow surrealists, though in most respects their work is widely divergent.
Buñuel was among the most sober of filmmakers, who after the youthful experiments of “Un Chien Andalou” (1929) and “L’Age d’Or” (1930), burrowed into a dispassionate depiction of the material world, the better to uncover its hidden irrationality. [...]

di Dave Kehr, articolo completo (2949 caratteri spazi inclusi) su The New York Times 11 dicembre 2007

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