As Tears Go By

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Un film di Wong Kar-wai. Con Andy Lau, Jacky Cheung, Maggie Cheung, Alex Man, William Chang.
Titolo originale Mongkok Carmen. Drammatico, durata 95 min. - Hong Kong 1988. - Tucker Film Acquista »

Struck by Love in a Moody Underworld

di Nathan Lee The Village Voice

“As Tears Go By” convulses to the rhythms of mah-jongg parlor brawls, back-alley beat downs and semiautomatic flares in the neon nights, but it’s the rapt little interludes that arrest attention: an aspirin tablet dissolving in a bottle of water, a woman lingering in the fluorescent shadows of a ferry terminal, a mysterious cut away from lovers in bed to a pair of street lamps curving over an empty country road, a modest tracking shot along a row of drinking glasses set upon a Formica tabletop.
These have been arranged in the nicotine-stained kitchen of Wah (Andy Lau), a small-time triad thug, by Ngor (Maggie Cheung), his cousin from the country. [...]

di Nathan Lee, articolo completo (3185 caratteri spazi inclusi) su The Village Voice 2 maggio 2008

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