L'avventura del Poseidon

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Un film di Ronald Neame. Con Carol Lynley, Shelley Winters, Gene Hackman, Ernest Borgnine, Leslie Nielsen.
Titolo originale The Poseidon Adventure. Drammatico, durata 117 min. - USA 1972.

Christine Vachon

The New York Times

I saw “The Poseidon Adventure” when it was released, December 1972. I was 10 years old. I saw it at my local cinema (the Olympia on 107th and Broadway — your feet stuck to the floor!) at least three times. Every single time the audience gasped and screamed and leaned sideways in their seats as the boat capsized and was utterly silent when the seas finally calmed. I really identified with Robin, the little boy played by Eric Shea, who was about my age. [...]

di Christine Vachon, articolo completo (1588 caratteri spazi inclusi) su The New York Times

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Christine Vachon
Premio Oscar (17)
Golden Globes (5)

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