Mademoiselle Chambon

Un film di Stéphane Brizé. Con Vincent Lindon, Sandrine Kiberlain, Thomas Mignot, Nora Guernoun, Chloé Brun, Philomène Pagnier, Maxence Lavergne, Jean-François Malet, Jocelyne Monier, Florence Hautier, Anne Houdy, Bruno Lochet.
Drammatico, durata 101 min. - Francia 2009.

Stephane Brize's French chamber romance starring Vincent Lindon and Sandrine Kiberlain has echoes of 'Brief Encounter'

di Kenneth Turan The Los Angeles Times

People fall in love in every country, but nowhere is the experience put on film with the flawless style, empathy and emotion the French provide. "Mademoiselle Chambon" is the latest in that line of deeply moving romances, an exquisite chamber piece made with the kind of sensitivity and nuance that's become almost a lost art.Starring the top-flight acting team of Vincent Lindon and Sandrine Kiberlain, "Mademoiselle Chambon" is about the power of love to disturb as well as elevate, about the profoundly disconcerting experience of falling hopelessly in love when that's the last thing you want to do. [...]

di Kenneth Turan, articolo completo (4634 caratteri spazi inclusi) su The Los Angeles Times 23 luglio 2010

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