The Private Lives of Pippa Lee

Un film di Rebecca Miller. Con Blake Lively, Robin Weigert, Ryan McDonald, Madeline McNulty, Mike Binder, Tim Guinee.
Drammatico, durata 100 min. - USA 2009.

Robin Wright's housewife character reflects on her past in an off-kilter story.

di Robert Abele The Los Angeles Times

Perched uncomfortably between flat whimsy and Lifetime movie crescendos, the coming-of-middle-age comic drama "The Private Lives of Pippa Lee" is rough going. Writer-director Rebecca Miller, adapting her own novel about a 50-year-old people-pleasing housewife's long overdue reassessment of her life, is after the elusive charm of a highbrow chick flick. To that end, she's shrewd enough to cast melancholic beauty Robin Wright as the title character, who upon moving into a well-appointed Connecticut retirement community with her retired publisher husband (Alan Arkin) begins to reflect on the various women she's been before her current perfect-spouse persona. [...]

di Robert Abele, articolo completo (2163 caratteri spazi inclusi) su The Los Angeles Times 27 novembre 2009

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