Fight Club

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Un film di David Fincher. Con Brad Pitt, Helena Bonham Carter, Edward Norton, Meat Loaf, Jared Leto.
Titolo originale Fight Club. Drammatico, durata 139 min. - USA 1999. MYMONETRO Fight Club * * * * - valutazione media: 4,08 su -1 recensioni di critica, pubblico e dizionari.

“Fight Club” Fight goes on

di Dennis Lim The New York Times

CULT films, the critic Danny Peary wrote in his 1981 book “Cult Movies,” “are born in controversy” and elicit “a fiery passion in moviegoers that exists long after their initial releases.” By those measures David Fincher’s “Fight Club,” a movie that stirred vitriolic ire when it came out 10 years ago and today inspires obsessive, often worshipful scrutiny in both lowbrow and highbrow quarters, is surely the defining cult movie of our time.
In his memoir Art Linson, a producer of the film, describes the aftermath of the first screening at the 20th Century Fox lot: ashen-faced executives imagining their higher-ups (including Rupert Murdoch ) “flopping around like acid-crazed carp wondering how such a thing could even have happened. [...]

di Dennis Lim, articolo completo (7711 caratteri spazi inclusi) su The New York Times 6 Novembre 2009

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