La carovana dei mormoni

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Un film di John Ford. Con Ward Bond, Harry Carey Jr., Ben Johnson, Joanne Dru, Charles Kemper Titolo originale Wagon Master. Avventura, b/n durata 86 min. - USA 1950.

Dave Kehr

The New York Times

“The Wizard of Oz” isn’t the only impressive release from Warner Brothers this month. With less fanfare (and, presumably, much less of a production budget), the company has released an edition of John Ford’s 1950 western “Wagon Master” that is a sheer delight for the eyes and ears. The DVD is available only in standard definition, but in terms of the contrast and detail with which Bert Glennon’s black-and-white cinematography has been rendered, the visual experience is the next best thing to Blu-ray. [...]

di Dave Kehr, articolo completo (3220 caratteri spazi inclusi) su The New York Times 27 settembre 2009

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