The Answer Man

Un film di John Hindman. Con Tony Hale, Lauren Emily Jacobs, Brandon Hanson, Nora Dunn, Kat Dennings, Annie Corley.
Titolo originale Arlen Faber. Commedia,

When a misanthropic self-help author played by Jeff Daniels meets other wounded souls, disarray ensues. And that's just the script

di Glenn Whipp The Los Angeles Times

James L. Brooks' movies have always been touchstones for filmmakers looking to give their comedies a little dramatic heft and that elusive quality known as "heart," but John Hindman's "The Answer Man" takes the cribbing one step too far. For all intents and purposes, Hindman has remade "As Good As It Gets," subbing sentiment for sharpness and displaying an alarming aversion to anything approaching reality. Leads Jeff Daniels and Lauren Graham swim mightily against sitcom tidiness, but in the end the tide carries them far out to sea. [...]

di Glenn Whipp, articolo completo (2012 caratteri spazi inclusi) su The Los Angeles Times 24 luglio 2009

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A. O. Scott
Glenn Whipp
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