In the Loop


What’s So Funny About War?

di Sarah Lyall The New York Times

AUDIENCES should not expect “In the Loop” to be bursting with uplifting moral lessons. “There are very few redeeming characters in it,” the film’s creator and director, the British writer Armando Iannucci, said recently. “I didn’t want to be thinking, ‘Oh, we have to have a happy ending or a song or something.’ ”
He is not kidding about the ending (or the song). It would be hard to find a more manipulatively back-stabbing or creatively foulmouthed bunch of hypocrites, bullies and cynics than exists in the warped landscape of “In the Loop,” a political satire about the diplomatic buildup to an unnamed Iraqesque war. [...]

di Sarah Lyall, articolo completo (7538 caratteri spazi inclusi) su The New York Times 19 luglio 2009

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