La fille de Monaco


Long-Range Forecast: All Hot and Bothered

di A. O. Scott The New York Times

I wonder if in France, where he’s better known, people speak of a “Fabrice Luchini type.” Mr. Luchini, 57, who has appeared in dozens of movies, has over the years refined an adaptable persona that is recognizable across genres and periods. His startled-looking eyes, delicate chin and slight overbite convey a mixture of cynicism and cluelessness, as mature worldliness seems to do battle with childlike credulity.
In “The Girl From Monaco” Mr. Luchini plays Bertrand Beauvois, an eminent Parisian lawyer who travels to that notorious principality on the Mediterranean to defend a 70-year-old woman (Stéphane Audran) implicated in a tawdry, tabloid-feeding murder. [...]

di A. O. Scott, articolo completo (3745 caratteri spazi inclusi) su The New York Times 3 luglio 2009

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Thomas Sotinel
A. O. Scott
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