L'heure d'été


In Familial Bric-a-Brac, Finding Himself

di Dennis Lim The New York Times

THE French filmmaker Olivier Assayas has made movies that have dealt with relationships among lovers, spouses, parents and children. But before “Summer Hours,” his 12th fiction feature, a story of three siblings deciding what to do with the ancestral home and the heirlooms that are now in their possession, he had never tackled head-on the drama of the family, with its obscured histories and faded memories.
“I’ve always hated nostalgia,” Mr. Assayas said recently, speaking by telephone from Halle, Germany, where he was shooting part of his next movie, a thriller about the international terrorist known as Carlos the Jackal. [...]

di Dennis Lim, articolo completo (10422 caratteri spazi inclusi) su The New York Times 3 maggio 2009

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