Spinning Into Butter


There's little subtlety in this adaptation of Rebecca Gilman's play about race issues that flare up at a small college

di Glenn Whipp The Los Angeles Times

A college dean at an elite Vermont university confronts her own racist leanings in "Spinning Into Butter," a drama that will work or not largely depending if you thought "Crash" was revelatory or risible.
This film adaptation of Rebecca Gilman's play has taken a circuitous route to the screen, despite Sarah Jessica Parker's headlining presence. Completed in 2006, the film finally arrives months after Americans have elected their first black president.
The movie, adapted by Gilman and Doug Atchison and flatly directed by New York theater veteran Mark Brokaw, opens up the play, but not always in service to the material. [...]

di Glenn Whipp, articolo completo (2421 caratteri spazi inclusi) su The Los Angeles Times 27 marzo 2009

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Glenn Whipp
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