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Un film di Steve McQueen (II). Con Michael Fassbender, Liam Cunningham, Stuart Graham, Brian Milligan, Liam McMahon.
Drammatico, durata 96 min. - Gran Bretagna, Irlanda 2008. - Bim Distribuzione uscita venerdì 27 aprile 2012. MYMONETRO Hunger * * * * - valutazione media: 4,25 su -1 recensioni di critica, pubblico e dizionari.

The High Cost of Dignity: Recalling the Troubles in Stark Detail

di A. O. Scott The New York Times

With calm, deliberate attention — an approach at once compassionate and dispassionate — “Hunger” explores physical extremity and political extremism. In recreating the atmosphere at the Maze prison in Northern Ireland, where Irish Republican Army militants waged a series of protests against the British authorities in 1981, Steve McQueen, a Turner Prize-winning visual artist and first-time filmmaker, finds an almost uncanny balance of violence and quiet. The brutality in the film is pervasive and often stomach turningly graphic, but what is perhaps most unnerving is the tact, patience and care with which Mr. [...]

di A. O. Scott, articolo completo (5072 caratteri spazi inclusi) su The New York Times 20 marzo 2009

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