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di Richard Brody The New Yorker

If, as Nietzsche said, tragedy is the art of expressing great pain in beautiful language, Luchino Visconti's last film, "L'Innocente" (Koch Lorber), from 1976, is truly tragic. His adaptation of Gabriele D'Annunzio's 1892 novel brings glorious language to the story of a marital disaster. A Roman aristocrat, Tullio Hermil (Giancarlo Giannini), pursues the dark-eyed, willful temptress Teresa Raffo (Jennifer O'Neill, dubbed into Italian) and complains about his romantic torments to the wife he neglects, Giuliana (the willowy Laura Antonelli). [...]

di Richard Brody, articolo completo (2749 caratteri spazi inclusi) su The New Yorker 16 marzo 2009

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  1° | dandy
  2° | giulio andreetta
Rassegna stampa
Dave Kehr
Rassegna stampa
Richard Brody
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