Chandni Chowk to China


A Kung Fu Extravaganza

di Rachel Saltz The New York Times

Genre mixing is mother’s milk to Hindi films, so it’s no surprise that “Chandni Chowk to China” can so seamlessly add kung fu to the usual blend of comedy, dance and melodrama. After all, the choreographed fighting is dancing by another name, and plays off the same desire to see movie-star bodies in motion.
“Chandni Chowk,” the first Bollywood movie to be financed and distributed by Warner Brothers, starts too frantically but settles down to become an enjoyable if slight Saturday-matinee picture. [...]

di Rachel Saltz, articolo completo (1992 caratteri spazi inclusi) su The New York Times 16 gennaio 2009

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Rachel Saltz
Anupama Chopra
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