Punisher: Zona di guerra

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This sequel to the 2004 film based on the Marvel comics series now has Ray Stevenson in the title role, and the movie's better for it. But action sequences could have been harder-hitting

di Michael Phillips The Los Angeles Times

Punisher: War Zone," the gory follow-up to 2004's "Punisher" based on the Marvel comic book series, hangs around the same neighborhood as "The Dark Knight." Both feature vigilantes who go too far. Both crime-fighters speak in an affected, tough-guy whisper, when they talk at all. Both favor the black vigilante threads when they're out on the town, taking out the trash.
The film works a bit better than the 2004 "Punisher" installment, the one starring surly, dislikable Thomas Jane as Frank Castle. [...]

di Michael Phillips, articolo completo (1990 caratteri spazi inclusi) su The Los Angeles Times 5 dicembre 2008

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A. O. Scott
Michael Phillips
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