The Secrets

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Un film di Avi Nesher. Con Fanny Ardant, Ania Bukstein, Michal Shtamler, Adir Miller, Guri Alfi.
Titolo originale Sodot, Ha-. Drammatico, durata 120 min. - Francia, Israele 2007.

When Faith Meets Feminism

di Stephen Holden The New York Times

Naomi (Ania Bukstein), the stubborn heroine of “The Secrets,” a religious soap opera and feminist cri de coeur, is the brilliant, beautiful, headstrong daughter of a revered Orthodox Israeli rabbi (Sefi Rivlin). Exceptionally well schooled in Jewish law, she is the pride and joy of her father to the degree that she has shed no tears over the recent death of her chronically depressed mother.
At first, the movie, directed by the Israeli filmmaker Avi Nesher from a screenplay he wrote with Hadar Galron, a London-born feminist playwright, actress and Orthodox Jew, is a sober exploration of limited female opportunities in a rigidly patriarchal environment. [...]

di Stephen Holden, articolo completo (3916 caratteri spazi inclusi) su The New York Times 29 novembre 2008

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Betsy Sharkey
Stephen Holden
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