My Name Is Bruce


The Evil Dumb

di Stephen Holden The New York Times

In “My Name Is Bruce,” a silly horror comedy that only a cultist could love, Bruce Campbell (“The Evil Dead,” “Bubba Ho-tep”), the star of countless B-movie thrillers, mercilessly spoofs himself. The “real” Mr. Campbell, as portrayed by the real Mr. Campbell, is a mean drunk and womanizer who lives in a trailer strewn with whiskey bottles and haggles over alimony on the telephone with his ex-wife. In addition to despising his adoring fans, he is a yellow-bellied coward. [...]

di Stephen Holden, articolo completo (1859 caratteri spazi inclusi) su The New York Times 31 Ottobre 2008

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Rassegna stampa
Stephen Holden
Mark Olsen
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