Fa' la cosa sbagliata - The Wackness

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Un film di Jonathan Levine. Con Ben Kingsley, Josh Peck, Famke Janssen, Olivia Thirlby, Mary-Kate Olsen.
Titolo originale The Wackness. Drammatico, durata 96 min. - USA 2008. - Fandango uscita venerdì 28 agosto 2009. - VM 14 - MYMONETRO Fa' la cosa sbagliata - The Wackness * * 1/2 - - valutazione media: 2,72 su -1 recensioni di critica, pubblico e dizionari. Acquista »

The film stars Josh Peck, Ben Kingsley, Mary-Kate Olsen and plenty of psychic baggage for all

di Jan Stuart The Los Angeles Times

Luke Shapiro, the depressed high school grad at the center of "The Wackness," labors to be more than just your average white homeboy in 1994 New York City. Occasionally he succeeds. He drops the hip-hop qualifier "mad" (read: very) into every third remark, peddles drugs from an Italian ices cart to second-generation flower children in Central Park and trades dope with his psychiatrist in exchange for bonus therapy minutes.
As played by Josh Peck, a compelling young actor with a sandpaper voice and a bulbous jaw that looks as if it were from an Al Hirschfeld caricature, Luke channels the wounded-bird spirit of every toughie who walked Warner Bros. [...]

di Jan Stuart, articolo completo (2897 caratteri spazi inclusi) su The Los Angeles Times 2 luglio 2008

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