War, Inc.

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Un film di Joshua Seftel. Con John Cusack, Joan Cusack, Marisa Tomei, Hilary Duff, Ben Kingsley.
Azione, - USA 2008. MYMONETRO War, Inc. * * * - - valutazione media: 3,09 su -1 recensioni di critica, pubblico e dizionari.

John Cusack Goes to War

di David Carr The New York Times

POLITICAL satire has its work cut out for it in the current environment. An unpopular war, the tortured rhetoric of a government defending its various pratfalls and news media that many see as complicit in the mess have created a burlesque — one that may not require annotation or exaggeration. Not that John Cusack isn’t willing to give it a whirl. His “War, Inc.,” which opens in New York and Los Angeles this weekend, is a satire that goes over the top and stays there.
Mr. Cusack is one of the writers as well as the star of the film, set in a mythological country called Turaqistan over the course of a militarized trade show in a privatized war. [...]

di David Carr, articolo completo (6719 caratteri spazi inclusi) su The New York Times 18 maggio 2008

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Luisa Ceretto
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David Carr
Carina Chocano
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