Mod Squad, i ragazzi di Greer

Con Michael Cole, Peggy Lipton, Tige Andrews, Clarence Williams III Formato Serie TV, Titolo originale The Mod Squad. Avventura, , numero episodi: 125. - USA 1968.

Mellow and Groovy and Fighting Crime

di David Browne The New York Times

YOUTHFUL-LOOKING, telegenic cops head undercover, infiltrating schools and their peers’ hangouts to bust the bad guys. Mention that plot, and the first response will be “21 Jump Street,” the ’80s drama that gave the world Johnny Depp. But the founding father of that premise was “The Mod Squad,” the ABC series from the late ’60s and early ’70s in which three young counterculture delinquents sought to redeem themselves by joining the police force.
In the case of “The Mod Squad,” whose first season (1968-69) is now on DVD, the unit featured the most attractive outcasts imaginable. [...]

di David Browne, articolo completo (4213 caratteri spazi inclusi) su The New York Times 3 febbraio 2008

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