
Un film di Francesco Lucente. Con Jamie Draven, Grace Caroline Currey, Vinessa Shaw, Joe Morton.
Drammatico, durata 160 min. - USA 2007.

A War Hero’s Terror, Tragedy and Rescue

di Matt Zoller Seitz The New York Times

“Badland,” a melodrama by the writer and director Francesco Lucente, stands apart from the recent throng of post-9/11 dramas by posing a burning question we haven’t heard yet: Can a mentally ill Iraq war veteran who murdered his pregnant wife and two of his children learn how to love again?
Independent in scale but aggressively Hollywood in storytelling, this overlong, mawkish yet weirdly mesmerizing film doesn’t just invite identification with its tragically unhinged character; it compels it, by piling on biblically horrible misfortunes, weepy confessions and editorializing music. [...]

di Matt Zoller Seitz, articolo completo (2990 caratteri spazi inclusi) su The New York Times 30 Novembre 2007

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Matt Zoller Seitz
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