Man from Plains

Un film di Jonathan Demme. Con Jimmy Carter Documentario, Ratings: Kids, durata 120 min. - USA 2007.

From Liver and Chianti to a President’s Barbecue

di David Carr The New York Times

JONATHAN DEMME is a bit of an opportunist.
Other less-alert types might have visited Scotty’s Fish and Chips in a rough-and-tumble part of town here, been impressed by the oxtail stew, the friendly staff and the humble but spotless surroundings, and then come back for lunch. But Mr. Demme, the director of more than two dozen films, liked the restaurant so much he decided to rewrite a scene previously set in an arcade in “Dancing With Shiva,” a feature film starring Anne Hathaway he’s filming nearby, and shoot it there instead. [...]

di David Carr, articolo completo (8909 caratteri spazi inclusi) su The New York Times 21 Ottobre 2007

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