Cast Steve Jobs - The Man in the Machine

Acquista su   Dvd Steve Jobs - The Man in the Machine   Blu-Ray Steve Jobs - The Man in the Machine  
Produzione: USA
Anno produzione: 2015
Durata: 128 minuti
Consigliato assolutamente no!
Indice di gradimento medio del film tra pubblico, critica e dizionari + rapporto incassi/sale (n.d.)
Alex Gibney
Alex Gibney
Steve Jobs
Steve Jobs
Se stesso - Co-Founder, Apple Computers (archive footage)
Alex Gibney
Alex Gibney
Se stesso - Narrator (Voce)
Steve Wozniak
Steve Wozniak
Se stesso - Co-Founder, Apple Computers (archive footage)
 Michael S. Malone
Michael S. Malone
Se stesso - Tech Journalist
Nolan Bushnell
Nolan Bushnell
Se stesso - Co-Founder, Atari
Regis McKenna
Regis McKenna
Se stesso - Hi-Tech Marketing Consultant
Michael Moritz
Michael Moritz
Se stesso - Venture Capitalist
Sherry Turkle
Sherry Turkle
Se stesso - Director, MIT Initiative on Technology and the Se stesso
Bob Belleville
Bob Belleville
Se stesso - Director of Engineering, Macintosh
Chris Espinosa
Chris Espinosa
Se stesso - Manager, User Education (archive footage)
Michael Murray
Michael Murray
Se stesso - Director of Marketing (archive footage)
Rony Sebok
Rony Sebok
Se stesso - Software Engineer (archive footage)
Bud Tribble
Bud Tribble
Se stesso - Software Manager (archive footage)
Daniel Kottke
Daniel Kottke
Se stesso - Friend & Apple Technician
 Kobun Chino Otogawa
Kobun Chino Otogawa
Se stesso - Job's Spiritual Adviser (archive footage)
Chrisann Brennan
Chrisann Brennan
Se stesso - Author, The Bite in the Apple
Michael Hawley
Michael Hawley
Se stesso - NeXT Engineer & Friend
Joe Nocera
Joe Nocera
Se stesso - Journalist
Jon Rubinstein
Jon Rubinstein
Se stesso - Head of Hardware
Avie Tevanian
Avie Tevanian
Se stesso - Head of Software
Andy Grignon
Andy Grignon
Se stesso - Senior Manager, iPhone
 Yukari Iwatani Kane
Yukari Iwatani Kane
Se stesso - Author, Haunted Empire
Andy Serwer
Andy Serwer
Se stesso - Managing Editor, Fortune
Peter Elkind
Peter Elkind
Se stesso - Editor at Large, Fortune
Jesus Diaz
Jesus Diaz
Se stesso - Former Editor, Gizmodo
Jason Chen
Jason Chen
Se stesso - Former Deputy Editor, Gizmodo
Nick Denton
Nick Denton
Se stesso - Founder, Gizmodo Media
Brian Lam
Brian Lam
Se stesso - Former Editor-in-Chief, Gizmodo
Chris Feasel
Chris Feasel
Se stesso - Deputy DA, San Mateo County
Ridley Scott
Ridley Scott
Se stesso (archive footage)
Bryan Stearns
Bryan Stearns
Se stesso (archive footage)
Tomasz Wyka
Tomasz Wyka
Se stesso
Courtney Sexton
Courtney Sexton
Alex Gibney
Alex Gibney
Stacey Offman
Stacey Offman
Tess Ranahan
Tess Ranahan
Jessie Deeter
Jessie Deeter
 Viva Van Loock
Viva Van Loock
Cara Mones
Cara Mones
Richard Perello
Richard Perello
Gaby Darbyshire
Gaby Darbyshire
Alex Gibney
Alex Gibney
Yutaka Yamazaki
Yutaka Yamazaki
Samuel Painter
Samuel Painter
Will Bates
Will Bates
Steve Jobs - The Man in the Machine | Indice

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